
Gym Dilemma: Build Muscle or Lose Fats First?

Looking shredded is a common goal by a lot of people who go to the gym. But in reality, it takes a smart approach to be able to have the ideal body composition. Cutting body fats and building muscle are usually done in phases. And because of this, it’s a common gym dilemma whether to…


Common Myths About Fitness

The Misinformation We’re Constantly Exposed To Fitness is an ever-growing industry with so many myths and misconceptions.  Pair that with the internet, where millions of bits of information are uploaded every second, and you got yourself a nice ocean of misinformation, where you can’t tell what’s really true. And because it can be difficult to…


6 Best Stretches That Help You Stay Limber As You Age

What’s the point of having all the strength when you don’t have the mobility to perform daily tasks? Staying limber is just as important as improving your strength and endurance. And the more you train, the more that you should never forego stretches that can keep your joints’ range of motion in best shape.  Also,…


7 Practices In Having a Healthy and Sustainable Diet

Long-term weight loss is all about sustainability. Individuals tend to experience a yo-yo effect of losing and gaining more weight the following months making it worse than when they started.  Yes, many weight loss regimens often give you drastic results. But after a few weeks, you realize that these practices aren’t exactly effective in the…


What You Need to Know About Fat Burners and Other Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss is a touchy subject for a lot of people. In a survey during the start of 2021, 51% of Americans want to lose weight while 60% want to live healthier. Because of this, it wasn’t surprising to see why 55% of people are willing to try diets such as paleo and keto just…


Tips on How to Establish a Fitness Routine

Whether you are planning to lose weight or you are looking to build muscle mass, having a fitness routine is important. Having a routine makes a huge difference in meeting your goals. Unfortunately, establishing a routine can get tricky. If you think that starting a workout routine is already hard enough, then imagine how difficult…


Things You Should Consider Before You Go All-Out on a Kettlebell

In the last 12 months, a lot of people invested in a kettlebell. With no access to gyms due to lockdowns, kettlebells, yoga mats, and other home gym equipment became the next best thing for people who are looking to stay fit.  However, before you go all out on a kettlebell, it might be a…


Improving Athletic Performance for Non-Athletes

Athletic conditioning is known for superb cardio, explosiveness, and strength. And for most athletes, it takes hard work and discipline to be able to get into this shape. But what if you’re a regular person with a 9 to 5 job? Does it mean that you can’t become as fit as an athlete?  First, let’s…


Reasons You Are Overeating and How You Can Stop It

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is alarmed by the number of overweight and obese individuals. Almost 40% of US adults are considered obese. Being overweight or obese can lead to cardiovascular problems and other health conditions including type 2 diabetes.  According to the agency’s data, 49.1% of US adults tried losing weight…


Things That Can Ruin Your Metabolism and What You Can do About It

The body needs to undergo several chemical processes to stay alive. Your basal metabolic rate is responsible for 50 to 80% of the energy used in the body. It’s the collective chemical processes done by your organs to keep you alive. But other than that, your metabolism will also be responsible for whether or not…