Things You Shouldn’t Do When Trying to Lose Weight

Lots of people gained weight since the pandemic started. Some are hesitant to go back to the gym while others are eating more since they stayed at home most of the time. In case you’re decided to lose weight, you’d want to have a smart approach. To help with your weight loss journey, here are a few things that you shouldn’t be doing. 

Get overwhelmed by stress 

Stress can sometimes get too overwhelming. Whether it’s from work or personal interactions, stress can get the best of us. And for someone trying to lose weight, this is something that you want to avoid at all costs. Getting stressed out can affect your hormones and even your appetite. Also, it’s been established that stress can get people to store fats

So how do you manage stress? Learn to live a well-balanced life. You want to put a limit on how much time you spend time at work. Also, you want to make sure that you’re going to do things that you love, whether it’s a hobby or watching a movie every now and then.  

Using the same workout for weeks 

Another common mistake that people make when they are trying to lose weight is to focus on the same workout for weeks or even months at a time. Getting past a weight loss plateau could mean that you need to try a different approach in your workout. The simple explanation why people hit a wall when they are trying to lose weight is because the body adapts to things that you do. It becomes more efficient and therefore you burn fewer calories as the weeks or months progress. 

How do you switch things up if it is your goal to lose weight? If you’re used to running, why not try other forms of cardio such as doing burpees? Or perhaps swimming? This will give your muscles different stimuli, burning more calories in the process. 

Eating without counting calories and macros 

It’s no secret that you will need to be on a caloric deficit if you wish to lose weight. It means that your body burns more calories than what you are consuming throughout the day. If you want to be systematic about your weight loss, you will need to count both your calories and your macros. 

A food diary makes it easier to track everything. In a study conducted on 1,700 participants, it has been discovered that having a food diary can double the weight loss results. A food diary can make a person more aware of his or her food decisions. 

Not preparing your food

Weight loss is 30% working out and 70% diet. It means that you need to be smart about the food you consume. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find healthy options nowadays. People often just order lunch and dinner not knowing what is in their food. 

A practical way to have full control over your diet is to do meal prep. Meal prepping may take a lot of work especially if you will have to cook for the entire week. However, despite the work involved in cooking meals for the next couple of days, it pays dividends. You can save money and even ensure that you don’t miss on your diet. All you need to do is to pull out the container meant for that time of the day. Meal prepping is a good habit whether you’re trying to bulk up or if you are looking to lose weight. 

Not eating high-fiber foods

One of the most common complaints of people trying to lose weight is that they feel hungry all the time. Being on a caloric deficit is harder than most people think. And for some, this is also the reason why they revert to eating foods that they shouldn’t be eating. One of the best ways to beat hunger pangs is to eat high-fiber foods. Vegetables and fruits are not only nutritious low-calorie foods, but it can also help make you feel less hungry. 

Not lifting weights 

Some people would simply just jog when they are trying to lose weight. Though jogging and other forms of cardio can burn calories and make you lose weight, lifting weight is a practical way to not only improve your weight loss but even improve your overall body composition. 

Why lift weights in the first place? Lifting weights can do wonders because it can help build muscles in the body. By having more muscles, it can tweak your body’s metabolism. A pound of muscle can burn 7-10 calories a day. It means that you can burn more calories even when you’re resting. 

The next point is to focus on large muscle groups. Between working on your biceps and your legs, your legs have larger muscles.  

Sleeping for just 6 hours or less

Sleep is important. Most of the time, those who don’t get enough sleep tend to feel hungry because of their hormones. Getting enough sleep can help you stay active and focus on your workouts. Plus, it can help boost your metabolism. 

Be sure that you are getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. Also, be sure to have a good quality sleep. You want to sleep in a dark room or use blackout curtains. 

Final Thoughts

Losing weight is never simple. However, with the right approach, you’d be seeing your results sooner than expected. Avoid these things and see for yourself the progress that your body can do. 

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