I Want to Lose Weight But I Have a 9-5 Job

Working 9-5 every day can make weight loss difficult. Since most of us stay in front of our computers to pay the bills, many don’t get to burn enough calories to lose weight. Instead of achieving a caloric deficit, our body is on a caloric surplus turning excess calories into body fats. A study in…

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Gym Dilemma: Build Muscle or Lose Fats First?

Looking shredded is a common goal by a lot of people who go to the gym. But in reality, it takes a smart approach to be able to have the ideal body composition. Cutting body fats and building muscle are usually done in phases. And because of this, it’s a common gym dilemma whether to…

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Things You Shouldn’t Do When Trying to Lose Weight

Lots of people gained weight since the pandemic started. Some are hesitant to go back to the gym while others are eating more since they stayed at home most of the time. In case you’re decided to lose weight, you’d want to have a smart approach. To help with your weight loss journey, here are…

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Why Treat Weight Loss as a Long Term Process

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in their 2015-2016 national health survey, 49.3% of individuals aged 20 and up tried to lose weight in the last 12 months. This isn’t exactly surprising considering the number of overweight and obese individuals today. In reality, we are no longer cooking our own food.…

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Starting A Diet? Consider These Important Factors!

Remember that time you started a diet and everything was going great? You were eating all the right things, working out hard, and seeing results. And then… you hit a wall. Suddenly, your progress came to a halt, and no matter what you tried, you couldn’t seem to break through. It’s easy to blame yourself…

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Can You Lose Weight with Low-Impact Exercise?

Low-impact exercise is very simply just exercise that doesn’t put a heavy strain your joints. However, you shouldn’t make the mistake of confusing low-impact with low effectiveness. Low-impact exercises, despite not being hard on your muscles, joints, and bones, can still be very effective when it comes to burning calories. As will be explained in…

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Why Fat Loss Is Easier Than Gaining Muscle

If there’s one thing that almost everyone in the gym can agree on, it’s that losing weight is a heck of a lot easier than gaining muscle. And while there are certainly exceptions to this rule, for the most part, it’s true. So if you’re looking to drop a few pounds before summer hits, read…

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Can You Lose Belly Fat By Walking?

Are you looking to lose your stubborn belly fat? You’re not alone. Out of all the “problem areas” people identify, the belly is definitely one of the most commonly disliked parts of the human body. In fact, even people who are at a healthy weight tend to struggle with this problem area because that “pooch”…

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