
Walking Vs Cycling Vs Running: Which Is Best?

One of the best ways to shed weight is through rigorous cardio. However, there are many different kinds of cardio that you can try, and it is difficult to know which kind of cardio is the best for losing weight, getting in shape, strengthening muscles, etc. In this article, you are going to see a…


Is Fitness Just A Big Fad?

The Revolution Of Trainees If you’ve been following along with the trends over the past few years, you may be wondering if fitness is just a fad. Everywhere you look there are people talking about getting fit, and it can feel like an overwhelming and sometimes impossible task. Even more so, right now there are…


What is the Healthiest Way to Lose Weight?

Losing weight is a great move for your health but, unfortunately, many people go about it in all the wrong ways. If you’ve been thinking about losing weight, you have probably come across plenty of “fad diets” that promise quick results. The issue is that these diets require extreme calorie restriction and oftentimes have you…


What Does “Healthy Eating” Mean?

The Actual Definition Of Healthy Eating Patterns Eating healthily is one of those concepts that seem to have a clear definition, but in reality is quite complex. What one person considers healthy eating may not be the same as what another person considers healthy. So, what does “healthy eating” mean? Is it possible to come…


Is It OK to Exercise Every Day?

Are you trying to lose weight? If you are, you’re probably paying a little more attention to your diet and physical activity as of late, but there is one thing you might never thought you’d be at risk of: over-exercising. Many people who get excited about weight loss end up signing up for a gym…

Walking to Lose Weight

Walking to Lose Weight

Welcome back to my channel Train Relentless TV Please share your thoughts with us. We’re ready to hear from you. ? For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ? Visit Our Website: Stay connected with “Train Relentless TV” official YouTube channel. Do…


Free Radicals – What Are They?

We’ve all heard of free radicals before, but what are they, exactly? According to, a free radical is “an atom or molecule that has an unpaired electron and is therefore unstable, capable of causing chain reactions, that destabilize other molecules and generate more free radicals.” In other words, they’re unstable little buggers that can…


Circadian Rhythms Part 2 – How To Get Back To The Natural Rhythm

Your Guide For Calm, Soothing Nights If you have read our previous articles on “Circadian Rhythms Part 1 – What Are They?” and “5 Ways To Beat Insomnia”, you probably have a good grasp of how vital circadian rhythms are. In short, the circadian rhythm refers to the biological clock inside our bodies that syncs…


Circadian Rhythms Part 1 – What Are They?

Why You Don’t Want To Mess Up With Your Natural Rhythms Our lives became so busy, and sleep became less important than passing an exam or working a night shift. And well, it is on you to choose how to live your life. However, not all people know that living the nightlife can mess you…


Weight Training For Men Vs. Women

It’s no secret – In a world where we swim in a sea of temptations, everyone wants to do something on their quest to look better naked and feel better mentally. The most common way to achieve this is, you guessed it – weight training! But the culture around weight training sparked endless debates on…