Reasons Why Virtual Workouts Are Here to Stay

Since the time the pandemic started, gyms closed initially with no end in sight. To dodge bankruptcy, gyms had to find a way to generate income and to keep their members interested. That’s when virtual classes became trendy. But even with the vaccines, and gyms worldwide starting to open again, what makes virtual workouts still popular? What makes us think that it’s a new niche that gyms should offer permanently? Here are some reasons why we believe that virtual classes are here to stay even after the pandemic. 

Reason #1- Convenience of not going to the gym

Many believe that a work-from-home setup is here to stay. Since the start of the pandemic, many realized how much time and money they lose by going to the office and the workplace. Commuting alone, Upwork discovered that people saved an average of 49.6 minutes a day because of their work-from-home setup. 

The same can be said about gyms. If you’re the type who doesn’t need multiple 50-pound plates, leg press, bench press, and other fancy gym machines you see, then a virtual class might be something more appealing. 

Those who plan on doing yoga don’t even need to go to the gym. With a mat and a small space in their room, anyone can do yoga.

Reason #2- Access to different talents from the fitness industry

Another reason why a lot of people are into virtual workouts is because of their access to some of the best names in the fitness industry. Whether you’re into yoga, dance, or doing kettlebells, virtual classes are not limited by someone’s location. All of a sudden, the world became smaller and people can join popular fitness trainers’ classes around the world. 

If you can’t go on a live class with your preferred trainer, there are apps designed by top athletes and trainers worldwide. Some websites can also provide premium training materials that you can use specific to your needs. 

Reason #3- Additional income for gyms 

For those gyms that survived the worst part of the pandemic, a virtual class can still come in handy. Since gyms still have to maintain social distancing, a virtual class is perfect for elderly clients or people who are still anxious to enter a gym. Additional service means potentially attracting more people to sign up. 

And for gyms, it’s not too difficult to set up. Plus, certain classes are perfect for virtual classes such as spin classes, yoga, and other group activities that will usually fill up an entire studio. 

Reason #4- Potential content for influencers and fitness trainers

Even if you’re not signed up in a gym, it’s possible to have a good workout made by some of the most popular names in the fitness industry. A lot of fitness influencers are banking on their virtual classes as means to push their presence online. 

Some would even provide free workouts and tutorials on their Instagram and YouTube channel to gain traction from those people who prefer to work out at home. Apart from online presence, fitness experts are also driven by the potential to earn passively. There are content creators on YouTube that earn serious money on ads.  

Reason #5- Perfect for shy individuals

Low self-esteem is usually the reason why a lot of people hate going to the gym. Some are shy that they’d have to do things designed for a beginner while other gym members are already doing advanced workouts. 

With virtual classes, it’s easy to focus on what you are doing instead of what other people are doing. It’s also the perfect chance to build strength, form, and gain endurance in case you are also looking forward to going to an actual gym in the coming months. 

Reason #6- Great way to start a healthy habit

It’s not exactly easy to fit workouts in an already busy schedule. For lots of people, going to the gym when they’re tired from an 8-hour shift feels like such a huge challenge to complete.  Working out in the comfort of their homes makes it easier to turn workout routines naturally integrated into their schedule. This is a great way to introduce healthy habits for beginners. A virtual class is convenient to the point that it’s easy to dedicate at least 40 minutes of your time every day when you can do the workout in the comfort of your home. 

Reason #7- Economically practical 

Given the pandemic, not everyone is willing to spend $100 a month on a gym membership. With a lot of people losing their source of income virtual classes offered for less than your average gym membership is a practical choice especially for cash-strapped fitness enthusiasts. 

Reason #8- Explore a variety of fun workouts

Let’s say that you want to try something new. Virtual classes can be a practical way to try new things. You can sign up for yoga on Monday and try dance classes on Tuesday. That’s because there are a lot of virtual classes set up especially at this point. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re wondering whether or not virtual classes are just a temporary phase at this point, don’t be surprised if you still see a lot of gyms and trainers offering virtual classes in the coming years even after the pandemic. It made the fitness industry realize how they can take advantage of technology. 

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