Benefits of Working Out Early in the Morning

Some people prefer working out in the morning than at other times of the day. So why is it that a lot of experts consider this a great time to do their workout? Here are some reasons why you might want to try squeezing your workout routine first thing in the morning. 

Great for losing fats

Waking up and going straight to your workout before breakfast can be a great way to lose body fats. Compared to working out after lunch or after dinner time where you are using the food you consumed for energy, working out on an empty stomach can allow you to improve your overall body composition. It’s a situation where your body is forced to use your body fats for energy. Plus, you growth hormone is high in the morning. This aids in fat metabolism. 

However, there are also some downsides to this routine. For starters, there is always the risk of developing hypoglycemia when you do a workout on an empty stomach. It’s ideal to tune the intensity of your workout as well to get the best results. 

Stay away from hot temperatures

During summer, there are instances when it becomes too draining to even workout. By doing your workout routines early in the morning, you get the chance to stay away from the hottest times of the day that usually falls from 10 AM to 3 PM. 

Less appetite throughout the day

Another reason to try working out early in the morning is that you possibly eat less throughout the day. It’s no secret that you need to be on a caloric deficit if you wish to lose weight. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. A lot of people give in to their cravings and eventually eat more than they should. 

A study suggests that those who finish their workout in the morning tend to have less appetite throughout the entire day.

Improve your sleeping habit

Considering people’s modern routine, some people are becoming night owls staying late at night working or just staying on their phones. And when it’s time to fix their circadian rhythm, it becomes too difficult to sleep at an earlier time. Some would even take sleeping pills just for them to sleep at an earlier time. 

In a study published in Chronobiology International, researchers discovered that those who stay at night are 30% more likely to develop high blood pressure compared to morning-type individuals. 

The good news is that it’s easy to fix your sleeping habits if you start working out at 7 AM. In a 2019 study, it was discovered that those who exercise at 7 AM get to shift their body clock as well. They feel more alert in the morning and get tired earlier at night as well

Helps you to mentally focus

It is common for a lot of people to deal with unexpected errands and other things throughout the day. Working out in the morning, you can already ensure that you’ve covered the part where you need to burn calories.  

Working out in the morning will also allow you to not think of working out at any other time of the day. If you need to finish work, you won’t feel guilty at night in case you have to go on overtime to beat the deadline. And since it won’t interrupt your work anymore, you will have more focus at work and finish errands. 

A good way to establish self-discipline

Sticking to your habit is a good way to develop self-discipline. Getting up early in the morning might feel difficult at first, but with enough discipline to push forward, it becomes easier with time. Self-discipline is something that can spill over in other facets of your life whether it’s at work or dieting. 

Helps give you the vitamin D that you need

Jogging in the morning is a great way to get the necessary vitamin D. Vitamin D can have several benefits to the body. This fat-soluble vitamin can help the bones absorb calcium. Plus, it also plays a role in fighting infections. And for people who are suffering from mental health issues, vitamin D is proven to help in reducing depression. 

Though you can still get vitamin D from the sun at different times of the day, it can easily get too harmful to the skin if you do it later in the morning. 

How Do I Start My Morning Workout Routine? 

If you want to start becoming a morning person, it is always a good idea to start small. Perhaps, commit to working out early in the morning two times a week for the first few weeks. And from there, you can add more days until the time that your body feels more comfortable waking up early in the morning. 

Also, you might want to set an alarm at night if you plan on working out the following morning. This will remind you that it’s already time to hit the bed and sleep. Just like any new routine, you will have to be purposeful at first before it becomes second nature. 

Final Thoughts

Working out in the morning is proven by science to bring a good number of benefits not only to your physical well-being but even to your mental state as well. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to do. At times, it can even be intimidating for those who are so used to staying up late.