How to do a Pull Up

The pull up is one of the best functional exercises you can perform as it requires many muscles and builds strength that can be used in your day-to-day activities. The pull up is simple but doing a pull up without proper form produces less results and could lead to injury.

First let’s talk about your hand grip. Your palms should be facing away from your body. And be about shoulder width apart. Placing your hands closer together is an option, but be wary of placing your hands too far apart as this may compromise your elbow and shoulder joints.

Next, you want to focus on moving in a full range of motion. Your arms should be fully extended during the hanging phase. During the pulling phase, your chin should raise above the bar at the top of the pull. Think about bringing your chest to the bar.

Refrain from swinging your body in order to gain momentum. Focus on keeping tension in your muscles. Keeping your legs straight and feet together.

Do not compromise your form in order to get more reps. This will only increase your chance of injury later on. Remember to breath and move with a controlled manner throughout the entire set.